"Thank you for the updated resume and the sample job description. I like your formatting. It is very clean and has a nice balanced aesthetic. Thank you for including the sample job description, it accurately reflection of the type of business position I would like to pursue. It also gave me some ideas about the content of my resume."
"...let me say that I feel you have gone above and beyond by providing me two resumes. I would very much appreciate it if I could impose on you to review and comment on the final version"
"I had several career roles and successes that I didn't know how to translate into the library/information services world. I feel a bit more confident working through that now."
Coachee's feedback from CV/resume review, November 2012
"I have been working on improving the job application over the weekend and have found your comments and suggestions very useful - thanks."
"This is just to let you know that I have been shortlisted for the cataloguing post at the (university). The interview is on 10 July. Thanks again for your help."
Coachee's feedback to application form reviews, June 2012
"Thanks again for all your help with this. It's a really exciting step for me, and impossible without your help! I will be sure to recommend you to my librarian friends and will be in touch if and when I move on from this one."
Candidate starting a new job, Nov 2011
"Having read it - thanks so much! that's an amazing amount of useful information. I will do my best to show I'm a serious candidate!"
Candidate preparing for interview, Sept 2011
“I thought this morning's session was really great” Organiser of BIALL Solo's talk, Sept 2011
“Thank you very much for this session; I have made a few notes for myself.” Delegate
“Thanks Nicola, that was really interesting” Organiser
"Dear Nicola, Thank you very much for this. I found the session to be a very useful sanity check and the legal position overview was particularly useful. And the note is great - a fantastic aide memoire!"
Delegate at PI Conference 2011
"Many thanks for the very quick turnaround on this - much appreciated. The material will be very useful for our discussions internally!"
Research Manager
"All three times and dates are good for me. Thank you so much for getting these sorted so quickly."
Head of Research
"Thank you for forwarding these to me. Very interesting indeed, particularly as I was not able to attend. It sounds like it was another successful conference,"
Head of Library & Information
"Thank you so much for sending the document, it made interesting reading. It is always a challenge managing a mixed team, trying to get the balance right and getting the best out of everyone."
Contracts Manager, BIS
"Very helpful, thank you - I will be briefing the rest of the team re the conference and your notes will provide a useful second viewpoint. In fact I attended your workshop on the Tuesday and I exchanged some very useful ideas with a new contact. I was particularly taken by your idea that users don’t know why they need records management. It’s all too easy to assume that everyone wants to organise their data as much as I do - sadly that isn’t the case."
Delegate at IRMS Conference 2011
"Thank you very much for sending these which were very useful. I do hope your new role is proving challenging and enjoyable for you. Whilst we have no recruitment requirements right now I have stored your details for future."
Information Manager, Government
“I really appreciated your thoughts on my enquiry, and the promptness with which you replied.”
New Candidate
"Congratulations on your new role. I follow you because you are an inspiration to me. I am so happy for you. Congratulations on your new role. I follow you because you are an inspiration to me. I am so happy for you."
"Nicola Franklin is a stalwart supporter not just of the IRMS but the sector as a whole. She supports the IRMS specifically in many ways: working with our Accreditation committee since in 2007, a work of primary importance to the IRMS; providing articles for our journal and sessions at conferences. As well as finding many people work in the sector Nicola also provides valuable advice and encouragement, to many professionals, on topics such as: CVs; interview techniques and transferable skills. In my experience and opinion she is also one of the nicest people in the sector."
David Bridge, Vice-Chair, IRMS