Wednesday 9 May 2012

Media savvy?

On the programme for the upcoming Library Camp Leeds I noticed that a session has been proposed on how to advocate for libraries on camera and / or off the cuff (presumably to politicians or other influential people one might meet on the train, etc).  
This got me wondering about whether librarians in general, or at least those working at industry bodies or in campaigning or leadership positions, feel they are in need of media / PR training?  Do courses exist already to help people learn how to present effectively to camera, talk in memorable soundbites, and get key messages across quickly?  Is this something CILIP should be offering?  Does anyone at CILIP have the skills themselves?

Checking the CILIP website under 'training' I found a section of onsite courses offered, including a sub section on Marketing Skills, which included using multimedia to promote your service, and one on branding your library service (which includes creating brand messages) but nothing apparently for appearing on camera or advocating generally 'for libraries'.

Hunting around Google for any other organisations that might offer media training for librarians, I came across VolResource, a site offering support for voluntary and community organisations.  They have a page dedicated to media support - perhaps a resource page similar to this would be useful for librarians?

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